SUCCESS STORIES – THE SUCCESS OF HAVING CLEAR OBJECTIVES: Improving the mobile phone contract by 38%
After several years of collaboration in the service of control, management, optimization and efficient use of mobile and fixed telephony with a leading company of the pharmaceutical sector, Lean Focus develops the strategy for a successful negotiation of Mobile Telephony’s new contract estimating an 38% of total saving on the current cost.
Waiting for the moment of the negotiation months ago, after visualizing opportunities for improvement, negotiation process begins presenting the current situation of the company.
With an annual cost in Mobile Telephony of €208,000, we understand that the current situation and the obsolescence of the previous contract provide us with a great potential for improvement.
As a company in charge of negotiating the New Contract and with the knowledge acquired after 3 years of intense joint work, from Lean Focus we have clear objectives: (1) to guarantee and cover current and future needs; (2) to provide unlimited use of national voice and generous access to national data; (3) to absorb the large variations and traffic peaks between months intrinsic to the business; and (4) to supply an incremental adaptive scenario without penalties.
In this scenario, it is established as a priority to bet on the creation of voice (minutes) and data (Gb.) common pack national and international to share among the employees of the company in order to be able to adjust and control the excesses of the packs being able to regularize periodically.
The fact of quiting the pay per use in the minutes of National Voice and considering better option a common pack of minutes allows them to save 33k€ annually. This saving in the cost of National Voice and SMS grants a great reduction of the cost of this item going from an impact of 22% to 9% on the total cost.
Considering an excessive expenditure on National Data (87k€) providers are required to make an effort on this item and to offer several options (Shared Data Exchange, Cost Discount, One-Person Data Bonds). After considering the optimization of the quotas of National Data presented attention to the historical consumption of the different lines, it is considered the most appropriate option the Data Bonds getting a saving of 21k€ annually.
In addition, we highlight the presence of this company in the international scope, which implies focusing part of the efforts in the negotiation of Roaming data. Coming from an oversized bag previously purchased being the cost of €31k at the time the bag is adjusted to a level of Gb. high enough to control excess, achieving a saving of 50.4% on this item.
This is one of the negotiations realized that gives us experience with this type of process. Implementation and coordination of other negotiations in parallel, and therefore to consolidate a high knowledge in the field being aware of the offers of the market together with the constant communication with the client allows the alignment and consideration of the real needs of the company in order to achieve great savings.
Annual expenses in mobile telephony
Annual savings in the negotiation of the new mobile contract