Technologies change constantly and extraordinary situations lead us to change our habits and to adapt to the new rules of the game. Although we all try to adapt, we do not always achieve it with the same efficiency. Acting quickly, having the necessary tools and being well advised can be key.
During spring of 2020, the pandemic caused by the Covid19 caused notable changes in a global level. Lockdown installed teleworking and this affected the consumption patterns of mobile telephony:
- Use of mobile data changed radically because workers either connected from their particular ADSL or needed permanent high monthly capacity connections
- Mobile voice traffic multiplied exponentially
- Roaming data disappeared by the time commuting was over
- Videoconferences were installed and traffic was generated through collaborative platforms, causing some users to connect through the platforms’ own voice payment services
These changes entailed cost overruns of all kinds: overstocked volumes contracted through flat voice rates, under-utilisation and, as a consequence, oversized national data products, payment of useless roaming bags, penalties for diversions, and other risks associated with the new situation.
As a measure of these risks, during lockdown first week from Phone Focus a campaign focused on Covid19 was promoted:
- Talking to all the clients to understand their situation and comment on the measures they should establish to avoid surprises.
- Sharing with customers a manual of good practices of control and management of the telephony before the Covid-19.
- Contacting all commercial operators who interacted with our customers in order to obtain a firm commitment that in case of diversions or penalties these would not be affected.
- Generating a monthly alarm report to Covid-19 that was accompanied by an action plan and recommendations.
In parallel was created the campaign «Support to the hit of Covid19«, offering to the 3 clients most affected by the crisis the exceptional service of unlimited help as an organizational contribution to collaborate with the most needy.
Thus, on a monthly basis, all customers were informed in a personalized way about the evolution of national voice minutes included in the flat voice rates, excesses, oversize, penalties and other alarms arising from this new situation in the products they had contracted both in voice and in data.
Months later when quantifying the results it has been observed that with the campaign we have reduced in our clients the risk of cost overruns by 12.4%, we have strengthened the control of the contracted services, we have optimized the products of voice and data, as well as controlling national and international voice and data traffic, thus avoiding deviations due to the new scenario.
Proactivity in the face of new scenarios, monthly billing tracking, rigorous analysis of data and consumption patterns, detection of alarms in advance and being constantly updated and optimized constitute our DNA, returning to our customers the security and trust they place in us.