Platform in numbers
Phone Focus unifies all its functionalities under a single integrated platform.
Phone Focus platform
- TEM platform designed and developed by Lean Focus in 2007
- More than 600 companies introduced
- More than 200,000 lines managed
- 230 reports submitted each month
- 17,000 monthly mails sent
- 47 tenders in 2020
- 64 different operators managed
- Processing information from 17 countries
Main ratios
Based on experience, we calculated our main ratios:
- 71.3% average savings on customers with more than 10 years working with the platform
- 29.8% savings on tenders carried out in 2020
- 79% of invoices analysed erroneously
- 6.7% of refunds due to billing errors
- 18.4% of cancelled services after an audit
- 97.8% cost reduction due to misuse
- 5.2% out-of-company user lines
- It is estimated that Phone Focus provides a reduction of more than 80% of the customer’s hours